Cold weather tips for Cats and Dogs

Veterinary Wellness Partners • Jan 02, 2014
Cold weather tips for Cats and Dogs
Veterinary Wellness Partners
Thu, 01/02/2014 - 1:19pm


In Seville, Lodi, Medina and the surrounding regions of Ohio, the weather can turn brutally cold.  With extreme cold our pets are at high risk to weather related issues.  We have highlighted some key areas to keep your pet safe during this cold weather in Ohio.

  1. Keep all pets indoors whenever possible.  If that is not possible, make certain that he/she has adequate shelter from the snow, wind and cold.  An enclosed building or garage (without cars (see below)) can provide additional insulation from the cold and wind.  Adding a heat lamp or a small “cat house” is even better.
  2. Some small outbuilding and garages can be kept warm by suing a heating lamp.  Heat lamps should be used with extreme caution, as they may increase the risk of fire.   These should not be used in very small spaces.  Pets can also get burned if they come into direct contact with the heat source (mainly the bulb).
  3. Cats love to climb up under the hood of a car after it is done running.  Always bang on the hood of your car prior to starting it up.    If the cat is there when you start the cat, they can be severely injured or killed.
  4. It is a good idea to keep your dog on a leash at all times when you are outside.  This is even more important in the cold, especially when snow and ice are involved.  More dogs are lost during the winter months than any other season.  We think this is due to the fact that dogs can easily lose their scent (scent trails) since these routes are covered over with the ice and snow.
  5. We recommend that all pets receive an identification microchip, such as the Home Again microchip system.  These microchips are implanted under the skin, so they remain with your pet at all times.  At minimum, all pets should have updated and easy to read pet ID tags.
  6. After returning from a trip outside, wipe your pet down to remove snow, ice and moisture.  The paws are a very important portion of the body  to clean, as ice and snow easily clings to the hair on the bottom of the feet.  This can lead to cracked feet or pads and potentially frostbite.  You should also wipe down the bottom of your dog’s abdomen (stomach) to remove snow, ice and any possible chemical residues (salt, antifreeze, and other potentially harmful substances)
  7. It may be too late for this tip, but we do not recommend shaving your pet’s hair coat short in the winter.  This may be obvious, but the hair coat is their thermal protection against the bitter cold that we tend to see in Orrville, Wooster, Rittman and the surrounding areas.
  8. If you own a dog or cat that has naturally short hair, consider getting them a sweater or coat to help keep him/ her warm.
  9. Do not leave your pet inside a car.  The inside temperatures in a car can drop rapidly, resulting in an animal freezing to death.  Pets that are left inside a running vehicle could potentially inhale fumes from the exhaust, or even put the vehicle into motion.
  10. Just like infants, puppies are not as good at thermoregulation as adult dogs.  If your puppy seems to be sensitive to the extreme cold, you may opt to paper train indoors.
  11. Older pets are also more sensitive to the cold.  If you have an elderly pet, let them outside only to relieve themselves, allowing them to return inside as quickly as possible.
  12. Oftentimes, we do not consider the indoor environment of your pet.  It is best to keep pets off of direct contact with the floors.  Make sure to locate pet beds away from doors, vents and other drafty areas.
  13. Double and triple check that you vehicle is not leaking antifreeze.  Unfortunately, antifreeze is very sweet in taste, yet highly lethal.

Seville Wadsworth Veterinary Clinic is here for you:  We are proud to provide excellent animal care and educational resources to our pets and their owners.  

Click  HERE  for Thanksgiving tips for your pets.

Click  HERE  for cold weather tips for Horses (you will be redirected to our partner clinic,  The Orrville Veterinary Clinic, Inc. )

As always, we are available for emergencies through out Orrville Veterinary Clinic.  Please call us at (330)682-2971 should you have a pet-related emergency.

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Covid-19 Policy 3/16/2020 Veterinary Wellness Partners Mon, 03/16/2020 - 11:14pm Our offices are continuing to monitor the Coronavirus situation and listening to the leaders of our state and nation. Currently we are taking the following steps; 1) We are wiping down door handles and areas every hour 2) We are offering car side delivery of medications with a call ahead and credit card payment via phone 3) We are limiting the number of clients in each room to one per appointment. If you have multiple family members, they will be asked to remain in your car. We can take your pet in if there is a reason to remain in your car 4) We are requesting that anybody with respiratory signs cancel their appointments. 5) Our staff is washing hands regularly 6) We are abiding by the social distancing rules of no handshakes and trying to keep personal space of 6 feet whenever possible. 7) We recommend that you call to get 60 day supplies of any needed medications 8) We highly recommend using our online store if you order online. As things get more and more limited, we can continue to supply medications via this route. If offices need to limit staff, we will only be able to service online orders through our online store. IN addition, this supports us directly, sticking with the spirit of BUYING LOCAL. 9)  We are limiting our usage of facemasks by reusing disposable face masks as often as we can.  We are also ordering fabric, washable, reusable masks to replace the disposable ones. Please call our office and ask if you have any questions or concerns.
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